Welcome to Blog.VetRxDirect and Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the VetRxDirect team!

Welcome to Blog.VetRxDirect, your source for news and information on new and exciting pet medicines and therapies. We’ve worked the last few months building a library of pet pharmacy posts we think will be informative to you and your pet’s veterinarian. At VetRxDirect, we strive to provide solutions to everyday pet health issues. We are also constantly on the lookout for new and novel products for difficult pet ailments.

Feel free to read through our posts, make comments, and sign up to receive notifications of new post sent directly to your e-mail inbox.

Thank you for reading. Please help us celebrate Halloween by taking advantage of savings at VetRxDirect. Place an online order today and SAVE 12% by using coupon code “HALLOWEEN12” during checkout. Hurry, this offer is good online today only and cannot be used with any other offer. Sorry, but we are unable to apply this coupon to any previous or future orders.

We know, you would have preferred a chocolate bar or sugary snack. You’ll have to ask the kids to share.




Flovent can Help Your Pet with Asthma

Flovent (Fluticasone propionate):  Inhaled Steroid for Dogs and Cats with Asthma, Bronchitis, and Other Obstructive Airway Diseases

Like humans, many dogs and cats suffer from airway diseases of the lungs.  Several examples of this include: chronic bronchitis in dogs and cats, feline asthma, and tracheal collapse in canines.  Common signs of airway disease are coughing, shortness of breath, and gagging.  For short-term relief, Albuterol (ProAir, Proventil, Ventolin) is considered first line in managing symptoms.  For long-term maintenance, corticosteroids (e.g. Flovent) are typically prescribed for daily use.

Flovent Inhalers for Pets

Flovent Inhalers for use with AeroKat and AeroDawg

Flovent (Fluticasone propionate) is currently available in 3 dosage options:  44 mcg, 110 mcg, and 220 mcg per actuation.  Each inhaler contains 120 metered actuations and displays a dose counter to keep track of the number of remaining doses.  A typical dosing for both cats and dogs is one puff twice a day. Your pet’s veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate inhaler(s) and dose.

Flovent and the AeroKat or AeroDawg:

Flovent must be administered with the use of a spacer and mask; such as the AeroDawg or AeroKat.  The mask should be fitted snugly around the muzzle, including the corners of the mouth, and the dog or cat should breathe through the spacer for 7-10 seconds for each actuation.  This technique allows for the medication to properly reach the lungs.

While rescue medications that contain Albuterol are used to treat acute symptoms of airway disease, inhaled corticosteroids like Flovent are used to help prevent symptoms from reoccurring.  This is the reason why Albuterol products are indicated when patients are symptomatic and Flovent is recommended for daily use.  Once therapy with Flovent is started, it usually takes 7-10 days for the full effect of the drug to be seen in the patient.

Long-term Flovent use is well tolerated since the inhaled steroid is absorbed into the lungs but not the bloodstream.

If a patient is prescribed the 44mcg twice daily dose, a single inhaler should last 60 days and runs $122.99, or $2.05/day.  An additional 10% discount is also available for pet owners who choose to purchase an AeroDawg or AeroKat spacer with one of the above inhalers.

Let us know if you have any questions by leaving comments below.

Have a great day,

Robbie Schwenker, PharmD



How to Treat Cat Constipation with Cisapride

They lick their fur. They can be finicky about food and don’t tend to drink much water. And they’re touchy about litter box conditions. It’s no wonder that cat constipation is a common problem in veterinary medicine.

How do you know if your cat is constipated? Look for these symptoms:

  •  Straining in the litter box
  •  No feces in the litter box or only hard, dry, small droppings
  •  Loss of appetite
  •  Sluggishness
  •  Vomiting

If your cat shows signs of constipation, talk to your veterinarian right away. She’ll examine your cat and can suggest dietary modifications to help in the long run.  Your veterinarian may also prescribe a medicine such as compounded Cisapride for felines to ease chronic constipation. Veterinary Cisapride works in the gastrointestinal system and accelerates gastric emptying, or the process that moves food through the stomach.

Here at VetRxDirect, we’re fully stocked up on Cisapride. To help pet owners make it easier to administer this effective medicine to their cats, our expert compounding pharmacists and technicians have carefully mixed Cisapride for cats into three different formulas.

Cisapride Transdermal GelCisapride transdermal gel is the easiest way to administer this medicine to your cat. Simply rub the prescribed dose of gel into your cat’s skin 15 minutes before a meal. This special formulation releases the medicine into the blood stream through the skin. Transdermal gels are popular because they’re easy to use and because pet owners can be confident their pet gets the right dose of medicine and doesn’t spit it out or throw it up.

Compounded Cisapride for Constipation in Cats Available at VetRxDirect

Compounded Cisapride for cats is available in three forms.

Cisapride Suspension – Another simple dosing option is Cisapride suspension, a liquid form of compouded Cisapride for veterinary use.  Mix the prescribed dose into a treat your cat really enjoys like tuna or wet cat food. Then give your cat a regular meal about 15-30 minutes later.

Cisapride Capsules – We also offer the standard form of Cisapride in pill form. The small capsule can be tucked into a pill pocket or a small treat to make it easy for your cat to swallow.

If you would like more information on compounded Cisapride, check out From Under the Bridge, A Houston Chronicle Blog’s write up on Cisapride.

Have you treated your cat with Cisapride? Or have you tried our Cisapride Suspension? Tell us what you think by sharing your experience in the comments section below.



How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your House

Household Treatment for Fleas

Most dog and cat lovers accept fleas as an inevitable part of pet ownership.  But that is often because they deal with infestations the wrong way.  Because they generally only treat the affected animal, they miss the other 95 percent of fleas that are living in their homes and yards. How could this be? Don’t parasites have to feed on the pet? Yes, but only if they’re fully grown.

Only about five percent of fleas are adults, and those are the ones that bite! The rest are in the egg, larvae, or pupae stage of the flea life cycle. The future pests that will one day reach adulthood (unless you deal with them first) are more likely to be growing in your home or yard than on your dog or cat.  And this is why when you only treat your furry friend, your pet will soon start scratching again when the next generation of fleas are old enough to feed.

In order to eradicate an infestation, you must kill all of the fleas in your home, yard, and on your pets. And you must do so on the same day!  It may take you a few hours, but total flea control can save your pets from months of needless suffering.  Not to mention the fact that fleas also bite humans! So set aside a free day and assemble your arsenal.

Step 1 in the Fight against Fleas in your Home – Vacuum your entire home!

Fleas tend to hide and grow in dark corners and crevices, under furniture and beds, on carpets and rugs.  A thorough vacuuming not only sucks up fleas when they are away from their hosts, the vibration may also force immature parasites to come out of their cocoons, which makes them more vulnerable to flea bombs, sprays, and other insecticides.

You won’t be able to see them, but most of the fleas you vacuum up will be in the egg, larvae, or pupae stage and will be growing on your carpet or floor. After the vacuuming is done, empty the contents into a plastic bag and secure it. You don’t want any of the fleas you evicted to escape.

Step 2 in the Fight against Fleas in your Home – Spray insecticides!

Sold in fogger, flea bomb, and aerosol form, these products are designed to eliminate fleas in all stages of the life cycle.  They should be applied to all rugs, floors, carpets, and soft upholstered furniture. Also remember to spray under all cushions, beds, and in dark areas.

Knockout Room and Aera Fogger from Virbac

Knockout Room and Aera Fogger Available at VetRxDirect

The most effective flea control products on the market often contain insect growth regulator, which is a chemical that sterilizes fleas and their eggs for several months.  The Room and Area Fogger from Virbac not only contains that chemical, it also has others to kill adult fleas immediately and residually.  In other words, even those that manage to survive the initial application will die off in time.  The standard 6 ounce bottle can treat up to 6000 cubic feet of space.

While it is true some sprays designed for indoor use can also be used to kill fleas in your backyard, concentrated sprays are generally much more effective for outdoor use.  Yard Spray Concentrate, also from Virbac, is a water based solution that will not harm grass or plants. It comes complete with an easy to use hose end applicator and can cover up to 6,000 square feet of lawn.

Step 3 in the Fight against Fleas in your Home – Treat your pets

From tablets to chewables to sprays and shampoos, there are many different and effective ways to treat your dog or cat for flea infestation. Since we cannot discuss all of them here, we will talk about the old standby—shampoo. Flea and tick shampoos are arguably the easiest and most affordable way to kill a bunch of pesky parasites in a matter of minutes. Although it is not a permanent solution, since the chemicals that eradicate the infestation will only stay on your furry friend’s skin for a couple of days, it will stop the scratching while you deal with the fleas in your home and yard.

Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo

Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo Ships Fast From VetRxDirect.

Mild enough to be used as a regular cleanser, Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor is one of the top selling products on the market. In addition to eliminating infestations, the shampoo will also help deodorize and condition your pet’s coat! The solution contains soothing aloe, lanolin, oatmeal, and, of course, insect growth regulator. Adams Plus kills fleas, flea eggs, lice, and ticks in one shot.

After you have successfully eradicated your house of all the stages of fleas, talk to your veterinarian about the best topical or oral flea preventative for your area. The most trusted names are available at VetRxDirect, your pet’s online pharmacy.

Which products and practices have worked for you? Please leave us ideas in the comments section below so we all can learn how to eradicate our homes of this these little nuisances.

All of us here at VetRxDirect are here to help get you the best products available quickly, when you need them.


AeroDawg Helps Bronchitis in Dogs

A couple of days ago, we talked about how an AeroKat helps cats suffering from feline asthma. Today we want to discuss another product by Trudell Animal Health, the AeroDawg for chronic bronchitis in Dogs.

What Causes Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

The air passages between the nose and the lungs of any mammal are quite sensitive.  The windpipe, trachea, and the larger air tubes that lead to the lungs are prone to minor irritations. When the problem lasts for more than a few days, it may result in an inflammatory reaction in the smaller interior airways of the lungs known as bronchitis. This condition can be difficult to relieve and may result in several months of incessant coughing if left untreated.

Acute vs. Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

The less serious type of bronchitis generally follows a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu and is relatively common during the colder months. Patients typically suffer from an unpleasant and persistent cough for about two weeks before the symptoms subside. By comparison, chronic bronchitis may be an early warning sign of a much more serious lung disease that must be treated as soon as possible.

Which Dogs are at Risk of Suffering from Bronchitis?

Just like their masters, dogs can suffer from either form of bronchitis. More often than not, the acute condition will resolve itself within a couple of weeks. But if your dog continues to cough for more than a month, see the veterinarian as soon as possible. The longer you wait the harder and longer it will take to treat the ailment.

Because their immune systems are either immature or too mature, puppies and older dogs are more susceptible to bronchitis than middle-aged pets. Although some cases are exacerbated by infectious agents or by common kennel cough, they rarely play a role, except in chronic cases that last for several months without treatment.

Symptoms of Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

It is not at all uncommon for domesticated animals to cough or gag, but when they have bouts of coughing that are triggered by excitement or activity, it may mean that their airways are severely irritated. The more serious the sickness the more your pouch will cough and gag and expectorate as a way to clear the throat and lungs. Your dog’s appetite should not be affected and his weight should therefore remain unchanged.

Complications of Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

When chronic bronchitis is left unaddressed, it may permanently damage the lungs and even increase the risk of congestive heart failure. The most common result of chronic coughing is called emphysema, which is when the air sacs inside the lungs (also known as the alveoli) are enlarged, which can cause shortness of breath in our canine friends.

Treatment of Canine Chronic Bronchitis at Home

Whether we walk on two legs or four, most animals get sore throats from time to time. And when we do, we tend to avoid dishes that may aggravate our symptoms, such as spicy foods. An animal suffering from bronchitis can be sent into a coughing fit if anything irritates or tickles the throat or lungs.  This includes environmental agents, pollutants, dust, and cigarette smoke. While exercise is important and can actually expedite the healing process, don’t overdo it!

If your dog is overweight, he or she should be put on a diet, since excess pounds puts more pressure on the windpipe and lungs and makes it harder to breathe! It is also important to switch from a collar to a chest harness for the very same reason. A humidifier may also help soothe your dog’s irritated airways.

Medical Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

Whether the problem is an acute or a chronic one, your veterinarian may prescribe medications to reduce bronchial inflammation. If your pouch responds positively to these drugs, he or she may be placed on a bronchodilator, such as albuterol, which can help relax inflamed airways and reduce respiratory strain. This class of drugs can be quite beneficial to dogs suffering from retching, wheezing, and other airway spasms.

Flovent HFA (fluticasone) given with an AeroDawg Inhalation Chamber for Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs

AeroDawg Canine Aerosol Chamber

The AeroDawg is available for fast shipping from VetRxDirect.

The most effective way to fight a lung problem is with an inhaler, which is used to deliver a straight shot of a steroid directly into the lungs. Prescribed to humans for both asthma and chronic bronchitis sufferers, it is also effective on our pets.  But because it can be expensive, veterinarians often exhaust every other option before they prescribe Flovent. The drug is typically administered twice a day via an inhalation chamber called an AeroDawg  and may be taken in conjunction with an antibiotic, depending on the severity of the disease. Your dog’s veterinarian may also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs called corticosteroids that reduce swelling in the lungs and airways. Both treatments have their fair share of side effects but are typically quite safe.

Has your dog needed to use an inhaler and AeroDawg. Please share your experiences in the comments section below so we all can learn how to help dogs with chronic bronchitis.

Thank you,


Incurin: New FDA Approved Drug for Urinary Incontinence

Veterinarians know urinary incontinence or involuntary urine leakage is a common problem encountered in dogs. You may notice incontinence occurring at routine times, including when your dog is sleeping, or at less predictable times up to several times per day.

You should be aware of several potential causes to this problem. Questions regarding the timing and age of onset of the incontinence will help your pet’s veterinarian determine if the condition may have existed prior to or shortly after birth, shortly after being spayed, or if another reason is causing the incontinence. A thorough physical evaluation by the veterinarian may be necessary to determine proper treatment.

Urine leakage in spayed, older female dogs may commonly be attributed to urethral sphincter incontinence. This condition will usually start months to years after being spayed. The goal of drug treatment is to increase the urethral tone and continence. Estrogens and alpha-adrenergic agonists are the two drug classes identified to help increase urethral sphincter tone.

Proin, PPA Available at VetRxDirect

Proin, PPA for Urinary Incontinence in Spayed Dogs

The alpha-adrenergic agonist, phenylpropanolamine, also known as PPA (Proin, Propalin), is a commonly prescribed treatment option for urethral incontinence. Side effects of phenylpropanolamine may include restlessness, irritability, panting, excitability and increased blood pressure.  Phenylpropanolamine should not be used in dogs with pre-existing high blood pressure. Phenylpropanolamine may be prescribed alone or in combination with estrogen therapy.  The combination treatment is believed to provide a synergistic effect, meaning the combination may be more effective than either drug alone.

Estrogen therapy may also be considered for dogs who do not tolerate phenylpropanolamine. Many veterinarians are familiar with the estrogen product called diethylstilbestrol, also referred to as DES. Diethylstilbestrol is no longer made by a drug manufacturer and must be obtained through a compounding pharmacy like VetRxDirect. Diethylstilbestrol usually starts with a loading phase including five to seven days of daily treatment. In most cases, one to two doses per week are given thereafter.


Incurin: The newest drug for urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs.

A new FDA approved, veterinary-labeled, estrogen treatment option named Incurin (estriol) has recently been introduced. Incurin is made by Merck Animal Health and is available in a 1 mg estriol (sometimes referred to as oestriol) tablet. Incurin is indicated for the treatment of urinary incontinence due to sphincter mechanism incontinence (SMI) in spayed female dogs. Treatment is recommended to be started at one tablet per day for 7 to 14 days. If treatment is effective, your veterinarian may reduce this to the lowest effective dose. Always consult with your veterinarian before adjusting any medications’ dosing or frequency.

Incurin is not for use in male dogs and should not be used during pregnancy or lactation. Possible side effects have included signs of estrus (in heat), swollen vulva/teats and nausea. Rare side effects may include vaginal bleeding and hair loss. You should consult your veterinarian if you notice any side effects and keep all follow-up appointments.

If you have any questions regarding your pet’s incontinence, contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment. If you or your pet’s veterinarian have questions about either of the drugs reviewed in this post, give us call. We here to answer any questions you have.

Shawn Roe, PharmD

Pharmacist, VetRxDirect


Help Asthma in Cats with the AeroKat

Heard the buzz about how humans and animals share many common diseases? In a recent book, “Zoobiquity: What Animals Can Teach Us About Health and the Science of Healing,” UCLA cardiologist, Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz writes about the diseases we share with animals — including heart disease and skin cancer — and how doctors and veterinarians can learn from each other to save more lives on both sides.

One disease that humans and cats share is asthma. Studies show that about 1% of adult domestic cats in America have feline asthma, also known as allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, or chronic bronchitis.

What are the symptoms of asthma in cats?

Symptoms of feline asthma can be infrequent or chronic and can vary in intensity. Look for:

  • wheezing
  • labored breathing
  • dry, hacking cough
  • panting
  • open mouth breathing

Can we cure asthma in cats?

Asthma is a chronic, progressive disease without a cure. The good news is that there are remedies for asthma in cats that help manage the disease and let many cats live long, happy lives. There are many oral and inhaled prescription medications that ease the symptoms of feline asthma. Talk with your veterinarian about the best option for your cat.

How can a cat use an inhaler?

Some of the most effective feline asthma medications, like Flovent and Proventil, get right into the lungs because they are inhaled. But how can a cat use an inhaler?!  Many of our customers think that’s impossible…. until they hear about the AeroKat.

The AeroKat Feline Aerosol Chamber makes it easy to deliver inhaled medication to your cat. This amazing invention combines a mask and respiration counter into a convenient device that works with a standard Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) (many people call it a “puffer”) of your cat’s prescription medicine.

The AeroKat comes with two sizes of masks that are designed to fit any breed or size of cat. Place the mask over you cat’s mouth, make sure you have a good seal, activate the puffer, then use the convenient Flow-Vu Indicator to count your cat’s inhalations of the medication.

The AeroKat:

  • Effectively delivers the right amount of inhaled medication to your cat
  • Makes it easy to count respiration with the Flow-Vu Indicator
  • Is easy to clean 

There are plenty of online videos that can help you train your cat to use – and even like – the AeroKat

Has the AeroKat worked for your feline friend? We’d like to hear what you think about this product. Please share your experience using the AeorKat in the comments section below.

In good health,


New and Noteworthy – Fall 2012

There are many things to look for in an online pet medication supplier, but nothing is more important than making sure the pharmacy is fully licensed and properly accredited. VetRxDirect understands the concerns and frustrations you have when purchasing medications for your pets online. That’s why we always have a team of dedicated pharmacists and technicians available to assist with any questions and concerns you may have. Our staff is ready to serve any of your pet medication needs.

We stand by the quality and safety of our medication and are dedicated to making your pet’s health our top priority. Plus, with some of the best prices on the Internet and knowledgeable and helpful staff, why shop anywhere else?!?

Standard Length Adjustable DogLeggs as a Hygroma Treatment

DogLeggsWinter is upon us! Going into this cold season we understand your pet will begin to show signs of discomfort due to the changing climates. As many of you dog owners probably already know, dogs enjoy laying on cool surfaces. However, as good as this feels to your pet, constantly laying on these cold, hard surfaces can be detrimental to their joints and can possibly lead to the development of elbow Hygromas, fluid-filled sacs that build up under the skin.If not treated properly, Hygromas can quickly turn into open wounds, which come with an increased risk for serious infection. If you notice your dog developing Hygromas, talk with your veterinarian and then consider purchasing DogLeggs, a therapeutic solution that greatly helps reduce the severity and size of Hygromas. They may even eliminate the need for hygroma draining or surgery

Cisapride is back in stock!!

Cisapride is now back in stock in the VetRxDirect shop. We have found a reputable and reliable distributor of the bulk drug, so we are once again compounding Cisapride. Order Cisapride for your cat today!

Free Shipping On All Orders $39 Or More + Volume Discounts

We still offer free shipping on all orders totaling $39 or more. We also offer tiered volume discounts* on orders starting at $100. The more you buy, the more savings we pass on to you. Stock up and save today!

*online use only, one coupon code per order

GingerLead: Help Your Dog Walk

Keep On Walking…

While working with and owning dogs over the years, I’ve seen firsthand how hip dysplasia, arthritis, and injury can seriously compromise a dog’s ability to walk or even stand up.

These situations present difficult decisions for the dog’s family. Often surgery is helpful, but the rehabilitation process can be challenging – especially for older folks with their own aching joints and backs. In other cases, little can be done to stop the natural progression of disease and aging on a dog’s joints and bones.  And, yet, the dog remains a vital, deeply loved member of the family.  Sadly, in the past, dogs with these conditions were often put down because there wasn’t a good way to rehabilitate them back to a healthy, active life.

GingerLead: A Better Way

New technology – and lots of ingenuity – has changed that. Today there are many dog harnesses and dog slings designed to help rehabilitate dogs and keep them active after injury or surgery, or as they deal with degenerating joints in their golden years.

We highly recommend the GingerLead dog harness because it’s effective, comfortable for your pup, and easy to use.  The GingerLead combines a durable outer fabric with a soft, corduroy liner in a sturdy dog sling that wraps around your dog’s belly to provide full support for his hips and back legs. The integrated handle and leash on the top of the GingerLead lets you control and support your dog with just one hand. That makes it easy on your back and legs too!

GingerLead is a Versatile Harnesses

GingerLead Dog Support Harness

GingerLead Dog Support and Lift Harness

Vets recommend dog lift harnesses like the GingerLead for dogs with many conditions including:

  • hip dysplasia
  • degenerative myelopathy
  • back and spinal injuries
  • arthritis in the knees, back, or hips
  • rear leg paralysis
  • stroke recovery
  • trouble getting up and down the stairs

Have you tried the GingerLead with your dog? If so, please let us know how it worked. We really value our customer’s opinions and our other customers do, too. Please share your experience using a dog harness or dog sling in the comments section below.

Time to take Cerrano for a walk,


A Discussion on Elbow Hygromas and Calluses in Dogs

Whether they walk on two legs or four, the larger an animal is, the more likely it is to have problems with its joints and the skin covering over the joints. Although infections, allergic reactions, and illnesses can cause joint pain, or arthralgia, the most common cause of the often chronic condition is injury. Because they are heavier and put more weight and pressure on their joints and pressure points on the skin over the joints, larger dogs generally have more joint and skin pressure point problems, especially as they age.

What are Elbow Hygromas in Dogs?

Prime candidates for the condition are big dogs with short hair. Typically caused by trauma, it is often the result of dogs repeatedly smacking their elbows on hard surfaces, such as the floor. The soft tissue of the point of the elbow, or olecranon process, will slowly begin to break down over time. Calluses often form in this area to protect the bony prominence from trauma, but it may not be enough. The inflammation caused by repeated injury can cause pockets of fluid to form around the elbows.

Veterinarians generally separate these hygromas into two categories—complicated and uncomplicated. An uncomplicated hygroma is seldom painful and can generally be resolved without immediate medical attention. More often than not, the problem is purely cosmetic and can be addressed by simply buying your dog a bed. Without the trauma -of sleeping on the floor and banging of the elbows, the hygroma should disappear within a few weeks. Special bandages and pads may shorten recovery times.

The Complicated Hygroma in Dogs

If the injury becomes infected, surgical drainage may be the only way to treat it. Distinguishing between a complicated and uncomplicated hygroma is a job best left to a veterinarian. Because both look more or less the same, a veterinarian must determine if the hygroma must be drained.  Failure to treat the infection could result in a whole host of future health issues for your canine friend.

Even More Complicated Hygroma in Dogs

In rare cases, ulcerated hygromas must be drained and the calluses covering the area may have to be removed. This occurs because chronic drainage will damage the skin and special skin flaps, even grafts may be needed to reconstruct the area in order to protect them from future infections.  This is considered major surgery, and while not especially dangerous, it will take your pouch at least a month to completely recover.  Your dog may need to wear a splint and the affected leg should be immobilized during healing.

Standard Length Adjustable DogLeggs

Whether your dog was treated for complicated or uncomplicated elbow hygromas, it is often a good idea to guard these sensitive areas with a product that is specifically designed to cover and protect them from future damage during the recovery process. DogLeggs can help dogs who recently underwent draining or surgery of the joint and need a garment to provide protection and comfort without inhibiting mobility.

DogLeggs for Elbow Hygromas in Dogs

Standard Length Adjustable DogLeggs Available at VetRxDirect

Standard Length Adjustable DogLeggs provide coverage and protection of the elbow joint and is primarily used to treat and prevent hygromas. With proper use, DogLeggs can help reduce the size and severity of hygromas, often times without surgery.

Although these adjustable pads are designed for dogs who are dealing with elbow hygromas, they can also be used by pets that suffer from other joint issues, such as arthritis. The pads are comfortable and adjustable and fit canines of almost any size. Standard Length DogLeggs are made in sizes for three-pound Chihuahuas and others made for enormous English Mastiffs that weight up to 230 pounds.

Other Uses of Standard Length Adjustable DogLeggs

DogLeggs can help prevent and treat any of the following conditions: hygroma, decubital ulcer, pressure sores, pendulous callus, wounds, elbow dysplasia, lick granuloma, and osteoarthritis. Dog owners should be sure to consult their veterinarians before they use the garment if their pet suffers from severe skin allergies, Cushing’s disease, Addison’s disease, or has a compromised auto-immune system. The product may not be safe because it can have a slight impact on circulation, which will not harm or in any way affect otherwise healthy animals.

How to fit Standard Length DogLeggs

How to Measure Standard Length DogLeggs for Best Fit

Even though it is adjustable, the standard size DogLeggs garment will not fit pooches of every size. If your canine friend is much bigger or smaller than the average dog, you may need to order a custom size. For example, toy poodles and St. Bernards simply will not fit into common sizes.  Please note that it may take several weeks to process and ship custom sizes and they may not be eligible for refunds in the event of a return.

As a result, make sure that you measure your dog at the three points of adjustment: around the leg at the elbow, around the leg below the elbow, and over the back. Directions and pictures on how to properly measure your dog are included on the DogLeggs product page at VetRxDirect.