MULTIVA Calming Helps Pets Keep Calm and Relaxed

Multiva Calming

MULTIVA Calming Supplement

The Multiva Calming supplement is designed to help support balanced behavior and a sense of calm and relaxation for dogs and cats who react to environmental stressors. Each calming chew contains a blend of natural, synergistic ingredients to ease the animal into relaxation without sedation or personality changes. Multiva Calming can be used for specific, challenging events or prolonged management to support both dogs and cats with anxiety and fearfulness. This supplement also helps to reduce the effects of stress on your pet’s health and supports functions of the nervous system and cognitive function.

How MULTIVA Calming may be used to help dogs and cats:

Multiva is suitable for short-term and long-term use, making it ideal for a variety of situations in which dogs and cats may feel stressed or fearful. It may also aid in training and behavior modification to help reduce those commonly associated with stress or anxiety-driven events. These behaviors may vary; some common include hyperactivity, pacing, excessive barking or vocalization, urinating, freezing, panting, aggression, self-harm, or physical injury. While Multiva is labeled for dogs and cats of all ages and breeds, it is generally recommended to talk with your veterinarian before using a new supplement.

  • Thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noises, noise sensitivity, or noise phobias.
  • Veterinary visits, grooming, car trips, vacations, or traveling.
  • Separation anxiety, fearfulness, loneliness,  kenneling or boarding.
  • Changes in social environment: introducing new people or pets,  changes in owner schedule or routines.
  • Changes in physical environment: new furniture, remodeling, construction, or moving.
  • Supports behavior management programs.
  • Aids training and behavior modification.

MULTIVA Calming Ingredients: Multiva contains a blend of key plant and milk-based ingredients that work together to create a calming action. It does not contain sedatives or L-tryptophan. The active ingredients, L-theanine, Colostrum, and Vitamin B1, were chosen and developed by the manufacturer VetNova:

  •  L-Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in green tea. The administration of L-theanine favors states of calmness and relaxation without causing drowsiness,
    reduces episodes of stress, anxiousness, hyperactivity, and irritability, and maintains normal mental alertness, allowing the animal to concentrate and learn.
  • Colostrum has been shown to contain precursors of important neuroactive molecules that can affect alertness, cognitive function, and the level of anxiousness
    in stressed animals. Studies of colostrum given to dogs and cats have shown a reduction in stress and undesired behavioral patterns.
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) plays a critical role in the central nervous system, including helping to maintain its normal function, circulation,
    cognitive activity, and brain functions. Thiamine is not stored in the body, and deficiency can occur during stressful situations. Source:

This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease and is purely educational. Please seek advice from your pet’s veterinarian with any questions regarding your pet’s health.

Reconcile Helps Treat Canine Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a behavior condition that causes dogs to feel anxiety and express problematic behaviors when left alone. It can not only be frustrating to owners but also potentially dangerous for dogs. When dogs are anxious and nervous about being separated from owners, they can act out in ways that can cause physical harm to themselves and their surroundings. Treatment of canine anxiety and phobias can be very complicated and is not a quick-fix. Depending on the severity of the condition, a combination of training methods and medication may be used. Recognizing that your dog has anxiety or fear issues is the first step.

What are the Signs of a Dog with Separation Anxiety?

  • Excessive drooling
  • Urinating and/or defecating inside the house
  • Barking, Howling, or Whining
  • Scratching at the door, wall, or floor
  • Pacing
  • Escaping
  • Destructive chewing and digging behaviors
  • Coprophagia

What Causes Separation Anxiety?

Change of Schedule: Similar to humans, dogs are creatures of habit. When that routine and habit cycle is changed abruptly it can cause unease and distress. When or how long a dog is left alone can trigger separation anxiety.

Moving: Moving into a new house, apartment or residence is a common trigger of separation anxiety due to the unfamiliar surroundings.

Change of Family: If your dog comes from a shelter or a previous home, suddenly entering into your family can trigger the development of separation anxiety. This may also be triggered by the sudden absence of a current household member such as moving away, long military deployment or trips, or death.

Mild to moderate cases of separation anxiety may be treated with counterconditioning or desensitization training programs. These techniques often use a wide combination of toys, foods, crate training, short trips away, positive reinforcements, or verbal cues. These training methods take time and patience and may require the assistance of trainer or animal behaviorist to achieve the best results. More severe cases may require medication to effectively treat. It is best to talk to your dog’s veterinarian for the best combination of training and medication.

Reconcile at VetRxDirectReconcile

Reconcile, fluoxetine, is a prescription serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant medication. This chewable tablet works by affecting serotonin levels in the brain that may be unbalanced in dogs with certain behavior and cognitive disorders. Reconcile is prescribed to treat separation anxiety, and help relieve behavioral symptoms when used with training.

Does your dog suffer from separation anxiety? Have you used any training methods to help? Leave us a comment below!

The Worries and Cares of Life: Helping Your Anxious Dog

Have you ever thought about what your dog worries about, and what might make them stressed and anxious? Besides thunderstorms and fireworks, there are many things that can trigger fear and anxiety in dogs, resulting in challenging behavior issues. Separation anxiety is a common problem, as is travel anxiety, anxiety due to pain (such as from chronic arthritis) and fear of other animals and people. An often-overlooked cause of anxiety in dogs is stress/anxiety of the owner(s): your dog “reads” you, and just plain knows when you are having a bad day or struggling with life’s challenges. They worry and share in your stress, even though they don’t understand it.

It is normal for dogs to react quickly and briefly to these triggers, but it is not normal for them to have a prolonged response. Prolonged responses to these triggers cause chronic stress, which in turn disrupts the dog’s wellness and its relationship to its environment, including people and other animals.

Common canine behaviors that arise due to fear and anxiety:

  • Pacing/hypervigilance
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Attempts to escape (digging, clawing at doors and windows and flooring under closed doors, chewing door and window frames, throwing weight on windows/French doors and breaking them)
  • Inappropriate elimination
  • Hiding
  • Constant panting/drooling/whining/barking/crying/yawning
  • Licking lips and/or the air/ “flybiting”
  • Poor appetite (anorexia)
  • Destructive behavior (destroying furniture/bedding/clothing)

Treatment of canine anxiety and phobias can be very complicated, and is not a quick-fix. Recognizing that your dog has anxiety/stress issues is the first step. Seeking medical care is also important, including support with prescription anxiolytic agents such as benzodiazepam drugs (lorazepam, diazepam, and alprazolam). These drugs help stimulate appetite too, which may or may not be helpful. Other drugs that affect mood include generic Prozac (fluoxetine). Many general practitioner veterinarians are comfortable prescribing fluoxetine and similar drugs, but often it is necessary for your pet to see a veterinarian specializing in behavior for your dog to receive optimal drug therapy.

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Desensitizing your pet to the stimuli that trigger inappropriate behavior can be successful, but this must be done under the guidance of a knowledgeable canine behavior specialist.

Canine anxiety can also be alleviated by alternative therapies, such as pheromone therapy. A specific calming supplement, Serenin Vet™, is designed to help reduce anxiety in dogs. It is a unique blend of 11 natural and complementary ingredients which down-regulate the many triggers that overstimulate the canine brain.

Three of the 11 ingredients in Serenin Vet are:

  • Passion Flower: Contains flavonoids with relaxing and anti-anxiety effects, and improves sleep and restlessness and aids in tranquility.
  • St. John’s Wort: Helps alleviate mild anxiety and fears in dogs. It has both analgesic and relaxant effects.
  • Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng): Is an adaptogen that helps the body adapt to stress by reducing loss of stress-reducing hormones. It enhances immune function and reduces cortisol levels and inflammatory response.

Other ingredients in Serenin Vet™include Imuno-2865 (supports a healthy immune system), Vitamins B6 and B12, L-Tyrosine, and Inositol. Serenin Vet™ is manufactured by Animal Necessity and maintains the same high quality standards expected of their vision supplement Ocu-GLO Rx™.

How difficult is it for us to master an illogical fear, or to break a bad habit that we have? Very! Likewise, it is illogical to expect your dog to quickly overcome a deep-seated fear or anxiety. Patience, understanding, and medical and behavioral support are all needed, to help you help your dog. And remember to take care of your own well-being, because that is what your dog needs too, above all else, to make them happy.

Fear, Phobias, & Anxiety in Pets.

When Fido or Tiger is Fearful….Anxiety in Pets

When a thunderstorm rolls in, does your dog cower under the bed? Has your cat become aggressive since you brought your new baby home? Do Fourth of July fireworks send your cat and dog into a fearful frenzy?

Just as humans have a range of fears and anxieties – and coping mechanisms to handle them – so do our pets.  Common causes of fear and anxiety in pets include:

  • Loud noises from storms, fireworks and social gatherings
  • New family members
  • New pets
  • A change of residence
  • Changes in your household routine

When these things happen, pets tend to respond with aggressive or destructive behaviors that take their toll on your home, your family, your pet — and your patience.

Start by Learning

So what do you do if you have a pet that’s taking out its fears on your couch or urinating on the carpet? First, observe your pet’s behavior closely to confirm what triggers the fear and what the responses are. This information will be critical if you need to consult with your veterinarian. Ultimately, your veterinarian may suggest a prescription medication for your dog or cat.

But you can take steps right now to help calm your pet. Start by searching online to learn about training approaches that can curb your pet’s fear and anxiety and the resulting negative behaviors.

A Range of Remedies for Anxiety in Pets

Here at VetRxDirect we also stock a range of prescriptions and over-the-counter, natural remedies that can help.

Thundershirt for Anxiety in Dogs

Thundershirt Ships for FREE from VetRxDirect

One popular product for dogs is the Thundershirt. It’s a snug garment you put on your dog when he or she starts to exhibit fear or anxiety. Smart design makes it easy to slip the Thundershirt on your pet even when he or she is in “fear mode.” The Thundershirt applies constant, gentle pressure on the torso, which has an immediate calming effect on many dogs.

We have seen such great success with Thundershirts for dogs, we were happy to hear Thundershirts are now available for Cats!

We also stock a variety of all natural, over-the-counter medications that help calm and support dogs and cats without negative side effects including:

Have these products helped your best furry friend — and saved your couch? We’d like to know and always appreciate your feedback. Share your experience in the comments below.

Meanwhile, keep calm,
