This weekend I gave Cerrano, my dog, a bath. I had some samples of Zymox Shampoo and Zymox Rinse from a conference we went to, so I thought I’d try something new.

This post is not meant to be a review of the product, but a brief description of my experience using the products and a platform for you to leave reviews and questions in the comment section at the end of the post.
So, on with Cerrano’s experience. He gets some mild irritation on this chest, so a shampoo/rinse combination which is gentle on his skin, but tough on bacterial and fungal infections fit the bill.
First, I wet down his coat with cool water. Warm water has always caused the inflammation on his underside to increase so he usually gets a cool shower. He may not like the water temperature, but his skin sure does.

Zymox Shampoo
Then I lathered him up with the Zymox Enzymatic Shampoo and waited a few minutes, as the bottle directed, before rinsing him with fresh cool water. There were plenty of suds during the lathering stage and during the rinse I noticed loose hair and debris being washed away. A sign of a good shampoo.

Zymox Rinse
When he was still wet from his bath, I then applied the Zymox Enzymatic Rinse directly to his coat, rinsed lightly with more fresh, cool water, and followed this up with a towel pat down.
The directions on both bottles suggest either applying to your pet’s coat or diluting the product first. Applying the shampoo directly to his coat was fine, but next time I’ll try diluting the rinse for a more even application.
The fragrance of each product was pleasant without being too over powering. It’s now a few days later and Cerrano still smells great.
Cerrano’s underside is looking fine today too.
Let us know your experiences or questions about Zymox Shampoo and Rinse in the comments section below.
Looking forward to your comments,