FDA Approved Thyro-Tabs for Dogs With Hypothyroid

Until recently, there were a variety of levothyroxine medications on the market for dogs with hypothyroidism. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to 6 manufacturers of unapproved levothyroxine products, which had not been reviewed for safety and efficacy by the FDA. The manufacturers were warned to stop production and marketing of the products. Because of this, Thyro-Tabs Canine is the only FDA approved drug for hypothyroidism in dogs and is currently the only medication available. Letters were issued to the manufacturers of Thyrosyn, Soloxine, Levocrine, Thyromed, Thyroid Chewable Tablets, Thyrokare, Thyroxine L, Thyrovet, Leventa. More information about the FDA and the letters can be viewed on their website.
Thyro-Tabs Canine is manufactured by Lloyd, and is a levothyroxine medication.

Visit VetRxDirect for Thyro-Tabs Canine Levothyroxine

Thyro-Tabs For Dogs

Levothyroxine is a replacement for the hormone T-4, which is naturally produced in the body by the thyroid gland to regulate metabolism and energy. When the body is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone on its own because of an imbalance, an enlarged thyroid gland, or other medical conditions and treatments, it is called hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism in dogs can be found with a blood test or by signs and symptoms involving metabolism, energy, nerve and muscle function, skin and haircoat. Veterinarians often prescribe levothyroxine for dogs with hypothyroidism for hormone replacement. You can find more information about Thyro-Tabs by the FDA and can find it available on the VetRxDirect website. 


Hypothyroidism in Dogs: What to Look For

One day you notice it: your furry companion is a little less furry and a little less companionate. In fact, he seems pretty “down” and lethargic.  That combination of symptoms might point to a common clinical condition called hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland, located in your dog’s neck, produces hormones that control key bodily functions including metabolism, growth, reproduction, oxygen consumption and immunity. If the butterfly-shaped thyroid doesn’t function well – or stops working all together – your dog can suffer from a variety of symptoms that can harm your dog’s health and reduce his quality of life. (The condition is relatively rare in our feline friends who are more susceptible to hyperthyroidism.)

What types of dogs get hypothyroidism?

Larger dogs that are between 4-10 years old are more prone to the condition. Some breeds are more likely to have hypothyroidism including: Doberman pinchers, Golden retrievers, Great Danes, Irish Setters and Airedale terriers.

What are the causes of hypothyroidism in dogs?

Changes in the thyroid gland can cause hypothyroidism. In some cases, an immune system disorder attacks the gland causing it to overproduce thyroid hormone and then become totally depleted. In other cases, age and biological processes stop the thyroid gland from producing enough hormones.

What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Look for a combination of these symptoms:

  • Thinning or loss of fur on the trunk of the body
  • Thickening, darkening skin
  • Weight gain
  • Lethargy
  • Mood changes – depression, aggression and anxiety

Blood work is required to diagnose the condition and determine what level of treatment is required.

Popular Brands of Levothyroxine for Hypothyroidism in Dogs

How is hypothyroidism in dogs treated?

Dogs with hypothyroidism require hormone replacement therapy for the remainder of their lives. Fortunately, there are many excellent hormone replacement medications that regulate canine hormone levels and help the body function normally. We stock many of the leading thyroid medications.

As always, the first person you should talk to about your pet’s condition and any required treatments is your veterinarian.

If you’d like to read more about hypothyroidism, check out this comprehensive article by researchers at Washington State University.

Thank you for reading. We’re here to help you keep your pet healthy and happy!
