
EmerAid LLC is a division of Lafeber, a company founded by veterinarians dedicated to animal health and nutrition. EmerAid is focused on providing high-quality critical care and recovery nutritional formulas for dogs, cats, birds, and a wide variety of exotic animals. Developed by nutritionists and veterinarians, the nutrition provided by EmerAid critical care formulas are specialized to help save animals’ lives. Branded as lifesaving nutrition, the name EmerAid actually means Emergency Aid.

The EmerAid Intensive Care line is designed for critically ill and debilitated animals, is easily digested, and replenishes depleted nutrients. EmerAid Sustain formulas are designed as transitional diets to support stable animals in recovery, underweight, or suffering from chronic medical problems. For dogs and cats, EmerAid has separate formulas to cater to their specific nutritional needs. For exotic animals, EmerAid provides Herbivore, Omivore, and Carnivore diets are available. Exotic EmerAid products may be fed alone or in combination to meet the needs of special species that have varied diets. Therapeutic diets are designed to be used with the expertise of a veterinarian; therefore, certain EmerAid formulas require a prescription.

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Frequently Asked Questions

EmerAid Intensive Care and Sustain diets are designed to meet the unique nutritional demands of dogs and cats with critical illness and debilitating conditions, as well as those in recovery or suffering from chronic medical conditions.

EmerAid is a line critical care and recovery nutritional diets for dogs, cats, and exotic animals.

EmerAid Sustain diets are designed for recovering animals, supporting chronic or acute health conditions, or transitioning from a critical care diet to normal feeding.

Emeraid Intensive Care Omnivore is designed for companion birds such as parrots, doves, chickens, finches, and canaries. It may also be used for types of lizards, small mammals, and rodents like sugar gliders, squirrels, mice, and rats. Emeraid Intensive Care is formulated with highly digestible and easily absorbable ingredients.

EmerAid Intensive Care diets are designed for critically ill and debilitated animals to replenish depleted energy, fat, and protein stores. They contain hydrolyzed proteins, highly digestible fats, and simple carbohydrates.

  • EmerAid Intensive Care formulas require a prescription from a veterinarian.
  • EmerAid Sustain formulas do not require a prescription.

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Emeraid Critical Care Nutrition for Exotic Animals

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Posted in Nutrition and Diets | Tagged emeraid emeraid carnivore emeraid for birds emeraid herbivore emeraid intensive care emeraid omnivore emeriad sustain

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