Surgi-Sox: Torso

Surgi-Sox: Torso

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Surgi-Sox: Torso is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

DogLeggs’ Surgi-Sox Animal Bandaging Systems




DogLeggs’ Surgi-Sox Torso provides coverage for the full circumference of the dog's torso from the base of the neck to the waist.

Compression garment provides comforting support while covering wounds, stitches, abrasions and skin conditions. Prevents animals from tearing out stitches, scratching or licking torso area, while not restricting animals from normal activities.

Made from a unique fabric created specifically for DogLeggs.

  • Will not stick to wounds
  • Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, to help prevent infection
  • Breathes and wicks away moisture to aid in faster healing
  • 4-way stretch provides optimal compression for support and control of swelling
  • Can be cut to accommodate and protect IV lines and monitor leads without unraveling
  • Improves owner compliance because they don’t need to attempt complex bandaging
  • Machine wash and dry without loss of anti-bacterial and anti-microbial proprieties


Does the 4th of July make 
your patients anxious?

DogLeggs’ Surgi-Sox Torso for Control of Anxiety

The 4th of July is quickly approaching and with it, anxiety for dogs, brought on by loud fireworks and thunder from summer storms. Just like humans, when animals experience stress they show the canine equivalent signs of what we call anxiety, trembling, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, panting and behavior problems. In addition, just like humans most animals are calmed by gentle pressure (swaddling) to the body.

The DogLeggs Surgi-Sox Torso is an effective tool in helping animals in stressful situations such as:

  • Loud noises such as fireworks and thunder
  • Veterinarian visits
  • Separation anxiety
  • Groomer visits
  • Meeting new people or other animals

dogleggs surgi-sox torso anxiety control for dogs 

Research Supporting Pressure Garments 
For Anxiety
  • Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University has written about the effectiveness of swaddling animals to control stress.
  • Shereen D. Farber, Ph.D, OTR, FAOTA, and author of Neurorehabilitation A Multisensory Approach. (WB Saunders Co. Philadelphia, 1982) lectures on the topic of "The Technique of Maintained Pressure". This research supports what we already have known for centuries, a hug makes us feel better and reduces anxiety.


DogLeggs Surgi-Sox Torso is the perfect solution to provide calming maintained pressure. Just slide the easy to use DogLeggs Surgi-Sox Torso on a dog or cat before the stressful event and watch them be more relaxed and handle the situation much better. In some cases all the pet may need is the Surgi-Sox product or it can be used in combination with other solutions that your veterinary professionals suggest.