Leventa (levothyroxine) Solution Rx

Leventa (levothyroxine) Solution Rx

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Leventa (levothyroxine) Solution is currently unavailable. Please check back with us at another time as we are uncertain when we will have more in stock.

What is Leventa (levothyroxine) Solution for Dogs?

Leventa is a product containing the medication levothyroxine in an easy to use liquid formula for dogs. Levothyroxine is a medication used in animals with low thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). Leventa provides a synthetic replacement for your dog’s thyroid hormones he/she can’t produce.

What risks are associated with Leventa?

Dogs with extremely high thyroid hormone levels (thyrotoxicosis), those who’ve had a heart attack, and those with Addison's Disease or any other adrenal insufficiency should not take Leventa. The safety of Leventa in pregnant dogs has not been evaluated, thus it’s use is cautioned. When Leventa is used at the correct dose for your dog, there should be no notable side effects because it mimics their natural hormones. However, at too high of doses Leventa can cause symptoms of too much thyroid hormone. These symptoms include, but aren’t limited to rapid heartbeat, weight loss, increased appetite, increased thirst, rapid breathing, and hyperactivity. If your dog experiences these side effects, it is important to call your pet's veterinarian immediately.

How to use Levothyroxine Solution for Dogs:

  1. Shake the bottle thoroughly and remove the cap
  2. Insert the syringe into the adapter on the top of the bottle of Leventa
  3. Turn the bottle upside down and pull the plunger back until the black line on the plunger lines up with the dose your pet's veterinarian has prescribed
  4. Turn the bottle back over (right side up) and remove the syringe from the bottle
  5. Give the Leventa dose directly to your dog by mouth or you may also put it on their food
  6. Give Leventa at the same time(s) every day to best improve your dog’s condition
  7. Keep all follow up appointments with your pet's veterinarian to see how Leventa is working in your dog